2022 Perspective

Self-reflection is such an amazing gift, one that tends to get dropped off on the pile of fear and doubt. It’s safe to say that many of us did not start the new year in the way we hoped. So let’s continue the encouragement well into the new year and continue checking on our people, it’s worth it, I promise.

I had a whole bunch of goals for the last few weeks of 2021 but, life happened. One lesson I am constantly learning, how to roll with the punches. The whirlwind and anxiety kicked into high gear for me in the final days of the year and I have become very in tune with two habits I have when I am anxious – clean or shop. This time knowing I did not need to spend, I cleaned and organized. I mean, the happy kind of cleaning – removing the excess, the never used, the donation piles, the list on Marketplace pile. It’s here where I learn the most about myself and my habits, good and bad. I would be willing to bet you’d find some here too with the right frame of mind. I kept the phone down and heart open. You know what I found? Brainstorming came easy, goals and ideas came flooding in. I had a few things to wrestle with internally and a few days into 2022, I made my peace with the cards that were dealt. Now onto goals/perspective/intentions…

A new year is a great time to embark on new goals, but truthfully this can and should happen at any time. Learning to pivot is a beautiful tool. The things that stood out/reoccurring theme in my thoughts were; health/wellness, financial goals, and leaning in. I am most excited about leaning in, more on that in a bit.

Health and Wellness = mental clarity, endurance, strength, fueling my body to fuel my brain. Some places I would like to focus more on is cooking at home. I love being in the kitchen (which is amazing btw), I love cooking, I love feeding our family. So food and cooking our food is going to be a primary focus. Being consistent with vitamins and being outside with the family are going to get more attention. Plus, these goals carry over into the financial world. I don’t know if you have to shop for 5 people, two of those who are growing boys but WOW! Our food budget can (and does) get out of control fast.

Finance always held my interest, I have fond memories of counting and tracking my money as a young child. I guess I haven’t changed much. I love creating budgets, the numbers, the planning, but then the follow through. I have learned a thing or two along the way, and I know that I have a few habits in this arena that need a transformation. I’m on it! The habits that surround my stress response and what makes me feel good in that moment. How can I make positive changes to make a difference? I look forward to my recap at the end of this year and hope to have a new perspective.

Leaning in, the one I am most excited about. Turning your focus on to specific areas for growth brings lessons, naturally. It’s what we are willing to do with those that matter the most. I mentioned above recognizing habits that make us feel good in the moment. I know what mine are, and I have set very intentional goals to change these. With focus on these two very specific areas I hope to become a better version of me, a better mom, wife, friend.

So go ahead, make those lists. Share them, keep a journal – do what makes sense to YOU. Just start.

Home projects continue, stay tuned!


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